June 21, 2010

Ode To Twilight.

Aww Twilight let me count the ways...

This is the second time that I have read this series, however this time seems different. I first read it last year or so, just as the last book was coming out (just before the movie release). At first I liked it ok...the main female character (Bella) was a little neurotic, and obsessive. But unfortunately she became worse as the series progressed. I was very annoyed with Bella by the end of the 3rd book. She was totally needy and obsessive with Edward (her male counter part and love interest). Yea ok, Edward talked about how much he adored her, but good god. But I was not annoyed enough to stop reading the saga...

Then a few weeks ago I watched the second movie. Let me just say....100 times better than the first movie. I don't know if there was just more action to work with in the second book...but the actors (well RPattz was at least...still don't really like K. Stewart for Bella) did a better job at portraying the characters too.

After talking (a lot) about the movie and books to a friend...she told me about how the author (Stephanie Meyer) was planning on writing the books from Edwards point of view. Unfortunately someone 'illegally' leaked the unfinished manuscript for the book online. Curious, I read it. This manuscript, Midnight Sun, really changed my whole perspective of the saga. Even though it is only a small time frame within the story line (like 2 or 3 months out of 3 years), it really helps to understand the draw that Edward has for Bella. Which makes Bella seem not so crazy stalkerish.

I really hope that Meyer continues the saga from Edward's point of view. For that matter, a combination of the two perspectives would have made the first movie AMAZING. But you know how hindsight is...

I will say that after reading Midnight Sun re-reading the Twilight saga; there are clues and hints that Meyer has been planning on writing the saga from Edward's vantage point. Little things in the book that I didn't not pick up on, but now that I have read it; it is very clear that was her plan all along. Which she really should continue, it would provide a lot of closure and answers for the fans.

And let's hope that the third movie (coming out the end of this month) stands up the expectation.

Here's to a great gulity pleasure!

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