May 18, 2010

How Time Flies

I cannot believe that it has already been 2 weeks since Eli has turned 4. I want him stay my little monkey forever. But, it seems that the harder I wish him to stay a little boy, the faster he grows.

Recently we had a doctors appointment and he is 3 feet 5 inches. He is in the 63 percentile for height among kids his age. Meaning, if there are 100, 4 yr old's he will be taller than 63 of them...I would consider this to be pretty average or at least on track for his growth rate.

Then I got to thinking, he is more than half as tall as I am (I'm 5'5"), and Christopher for that matter (Christopher is 6' 2"). If he keeps up this growth rate he will be taller than me when he is 8. And to top it all off he will be starting pre-school in Sept. Where has this year gone...seriously! I remember as a kid when the summer was never ending. Summer seemed to last a year! And now, next thing I know my baby is a little man.
I don't know who his first day of pre-school will be harder on, me or Eli.

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