September 23, 2010

I want to be DIY and design queen!

So after hours to trolling the depths of the interwebs, I have found my new calling:

DIY designing my home. 

I know, it seems like a really silly thing to be excited about.  But the thing is I am really super excited about my self assigned projects.  It was pretty hard not to after looking at websites like this one Centsational Girl.  And there are like 500 million of these blogs out there. Oh after looking at them, it really makes me drool and anticipate the next free weekend that I have to start some of these projects!

So here is a short run down of the things that I plan on doing (and spending under $100)

1.  Framing the mirrors in the bathrooms.
     This one may be a little tricky, but what I am planning on doing is gluing the mirrors to the wall, then gluing a baseboard frame to the mirrors (after they are painted white of course).  Hopefully they will look a little more finished than they are now.

2.  Painting the bathroom vanity white.

     This one is still up for debate.  I would like to do it.  I think that it would really finish off the room and the feel better than the laminate wood color that it is now...or maybe I should try staining it a dark mahogany color.  Well at any rate I would like to change the color.

3.  Yard Sale and Restore decorating.

     There were tons of ideas on those websites that I have been obsessed with for the last few days.  There are somethings that I would have never thought about.  Like taking frames (or making if you are savvy with power tools, which I am not) and wrapping them with yarn.  I know it sounds kinda funky but it looks really cool.  And I also realized that you can paint ANYTHING.  Seriously. 

4.  Repainting/Upgrading Laminate bookcases and TV stand

    We were given some really nice bookcases a while ago.  The only bad thing is that they are laminate wood, and pretty ugly.  So I plan to paint a few of them and see how they turn out.  And I plan on having a friend who is good with wood working help me to transform the TV stand into something a little more substantial than it is now.  And paint that black too!

Oh man do I have a TON of stuff to do, I am soo excited!

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