October 25, 2010

It Starts....

I have decided to get off of my lazy butt and start (and hopefully finish) some of these projects that I have been dreaming about. 

So this weekend it all started.  What pushed me to start?  Well we are trying to sell our house and we had a call from a realtor to 'showcase' (whatever that means) twice on Saturday...well we unfortunately had to turn her down because my Oma passed away.  For those of you who are not German, it's my grandmother (on my mother's side).  Although it was not unexpected, it was a difficult weekend.  So a distraction of the crafting and DIY-ing persuasion was welcome.  Actually my mom is coming over on Tuesday to help stencil the back room (more details to come!)

Here is a list of what I did on Saturday from 2pm on  and all day on Sunday.  Are you ready?

2-3:30p- collected supplies from the parents house
4-6p- did some shopping in town @ The Home Depot, Walmart, and Aldi.  The Home Depot should really be called the Intimidation Station..I mean really I never go here and holy crap there is just to much stuff.  Luckily the workers are very nice and helpful.
6:30ish- got home, put groceries away, ate a quick dinner, clean our messy kitty's room, painted said kitty room (which is actually a half bath), and did laundry and made it to bed by 11ish.

7:30a- woke up and made the E monster pancakes and sausage
8a-11:30a- Put another coat of paint on the back bathroom.  Spray painted...A LOT, picked up and started to glaze a mirror...I also ripped apart an old interior design picture because I wanted the frame.
Noon- Lunch at the hubby's grandma's house.  This is just about an every Sunday tradition.
2-3:30p- Spray Painted more and picked up a bit. 
3:30-6p- I have been reading this blog Make 5 Dinners in ONE Hour and it has had me really intrigued.  So I tried it.  Mainly because I had 3lbs of hamburger that I needed to split up...so why not just make the meals they will be used for?  So I made Meatloaf and mashed red potatoes and gravy, beef stroganoff, and hamburgers, and chicken stir-fry.  Now they are not complete meals like I still need to make noodles and rice but I am pretty excited that I am done cooking for the week and now I will be able to getting our house in viewing condition.  Oh yea I also made these killer muffins from King Arthur Flour

They are soo good!  I just them to make chocolate chip muffins...just add chocolate chips (I use milk chocolate) to taste and a few table spoons of water...because the baked muffins will get quite dry in 3 days.

I am really tired today...but I will have a whole bunch of cool before and afters to post this week.  I am pretty excited about it. 

Just wait for the fun coming up!

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