September 29, 2010

Diversifying my Handiness Portfolio.

I really think that my husband needs to make more money so I can stay at home and diversify my handiness portfolio.  Your thinking what the heck? Right?  Well after looking at the million bazillion trillion websites that are about DIY-ifiying your home.  I am totally obsessed, and not only that I am seeing AMAZING projects that I know I could do.  Well ok, may be not do well but defiantly do. 

But if I could become a stay at home mommy and wifey then I could get some practice with baking super cute desserts, doing crafty decorations, up-cycling old crappy furniture, and the whole slew of other things that I would like to do that keep me up at night. 

Well actually I have a few projects up my little slevies, muhahaha (evil laugh).  We actually the way these projects excite me it should really sound like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (Better? No?)

I need to get some pictures up...well I should say I need to charge my camera(s) so that I can take some pictures of my projects before I start them.  You can see some of them in the previous post.  But I have a bit of a surprise, I conned/quilted the hubby into getting me the coolest buffet ever!  Accept the truth of the matter is I am a little intimidated to get into the whole redoing/up-cycling thing.

I know this piece has great potential but I have never done a project like this and I don't really want to mess it up.  I should just go for it right?  The perfectionist in me says that I will never get it to look like this from Better After

I mean look at that!  Isn't that awesome! OMG! Can I fake an illness so I can skip work to begin the beautiful transformation that I have in mind?

Ok, I'll stop obsessing over what I don't have time to do right now.  But I will get pictures posted sometime soon! 

I think these projects really need to be started soon, if not I do not see much sleep in my future.

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