March 15, 2010

Weekend Warriors

After cleaning the bathroom last week I noticed that the linoleum was discolored and there is always a new ring of nasty grime (unusually nasty) around the bottom of the potty on the floor. Well this lead to a weekend bathroom renovation, and good thing too. We found out that the toilet was leaking.

So we got a new toilet, a white one to replace the 'bisque' toilet. New flooring, epoxied the tub and surround white (which was 'bisque' also), and I ended up painting too, for good measure.

This is the before...


Notice the lovely water stain on the floor


For about $300 we have a brand new bathroom.

Eli was pretty eager to help mommy paint,
Wearing my safety glasses.
All in all it was a pretty productive weekend. I still need to do some decorating but it's really nice to get rid of that nasty toilet and have a 'new' bathtub. There are a few cute antique stores in Covington that I'm going to check out for a shelf/medicine cabinet. And I am planning on framing the mirror to give it a more finished look. Lights might be next...there are a million things that I want to change about this house, Christopher has a pretty long 'honey-do' list.

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