February 17, 2010

The First of Many

This is the first official post since I created this blog. It has been a little difficult finding the time to post since I do not have internet at home. Like I keep telling Christopher, there is no way that I am signing off on spending $70 a month so he can get on facebook and cubs.com.

Things have been pretty busy with cheerleading, family, and work. Last weekend the RTHS competition squad competed at ICCA Championships (it's like state) in Springfield. We did OK, not our best performance, but it is the learning experience that is important. And what I have learned is, that we are not going to compete next year, lol. There is only about another week and a half left of basketball season. I am really looking forward to the break.

Eli is growing up incredibly fast. He is almost 4 (in May) going on 15. He is such a thoughtful and caring little boy. I am not just saying that because he is my baby. For instance, last night I had a JV/Varsity home game against BCC and Christopher who was home with Eli, called and told me that he found Eli in our bedroom standing on the bed looking at the pictures above our bed. There are three pictures the one on the left is Eli playing, then a picture of all three of us, then a close up of Eli in his car seat. He was looking at the family picture.

Christopher asked him what he was doing and he replies, "I'm sad Daddy, so I just had to come in here and look at my Mommy because I miss her."

Now who expects that from a three year old?

I am kinda looking forward to the rest of the week and weekend. I have the next two days off. Well tomorrow is for a funeral for Nora (Ehmen) Osterbur, I am not really looking forward to that. But Friday should be nice, Eli and I have a dentist appointment then we need to do some shopping, get a hair cut, and then it is senior night. Saturday will be a busy one too; double open house with Kacie, and then finish cleaning and shopping (depends on how Thursday and Friday go), and that evening is the Royal Valentine's dance. I feel like I'm in high school talking about a dance...lol. Kacie is my date since Christopher will be in Joilet all weekend. And finally Sunday is a do nothing day, or at least that is what I have planned.

Maybe next time I will add some pictures with my post...

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